Forum of binary options and group investments - is it worth it or not?
There are a lot of people interested in group investing who support all kinds of thematic forums or portals created just for group investments. In today's article I will tell you what my opinion on this subject is. I am already convinced that after this entry I will get over my head. I even see many supporters of group investing among my recipients, which is why I am calling for a cultural exchange of views in the comments.
Let's first consider why people like to invest in groups so much. If we ask a typical supporter of group investments, the answer will most likely be as follows - by investing in a group, we are able to learn a lot from other people, get to know new investment methods, etc. In my opinion, the main thing is to blame someone else in case of failure . I know it sounds terrible, but if someone risks their money, investing among Internet users seems "safer" because the fault is not a specific individual, but the whole group.
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What's most interesting, such groups usually consist of beginners. So theoretically, people who have little idea about the market are dealing with each other on how to invest. Looking through many Polish and foreign forums, I noticed that people are getting incredibly complicated binary options. What I mean? Well, the fact that binary investments are defined as something mega complicated - which is absolute nonsense. Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying investing in binary options is easy. The truth is that if you want to invest effectively you need to be aware of a few simple things:
- You must adapt the strategy to the trading conditions
- You cannot open dozens of positions during the day
- You must understand how the price moves
Of course, each of these points can be broken down into several sub-points, but you really only need to know how to earn money. You do not need any mega complicated strategies or advice from "Zbyszek" from the forum (random name). When I started to play with binary options, I understood one simple thing - if I do what everyone has, I will have what everyone else has - I remind you that about 95% of people lose on binary options.
I have never needed group investing to earn money regularly. Does that mean I'm some kind of outstanding? Of course not. Anyone can make money from binary options just need to look in the right direction. If you really want to make binary options a regular part of your income, you need to understand what you are really doing. Investing according to what someone on the forum says is just stupid and pointless in the long run.
I am aware that this article has a very negative impact on forums. To be clear, let me say that I don't think the binary options forums are bad. You can find a lot of interesting knowledge on them, but I still warn you against group investing. If you already invest in a group and you manage to earn regularly, then congratulations! You've come across people who have enough knowledge to help you. However, if you have not been able to find the right people for cooperation, I recommend that you start analyzing the above points yourself and rely only on your experience - it will definitely work in the long run.