How do scammers cheat? Cheating on binary options

Very often I get questions about whether the videos in which trading "specialists" show how they earn tens of thousands of dollars in a few minutes are real. My answer was always the same - it's a scam to me, but I have no idea how they do it. All the time I think that investing in the way shown by the mentioned "specialists" is a waste of time and money. However, recently there was a person in the chat who dropped a link to an interesting video you can find here. The material is a bit lengthy and in English so I decided that I would write a shortened Polish version for people who do not want to watch the film or simply do not know the English language. In this article, I will describe the most important information in my opinion, which is worth paying attention to - I do not want to accuse everyone who records videos of high popularity in the field of Forex/binary options he is a fraud - my goal is to get people to think logically and understand that there is no easy money - it takes a tremendous amount of work and commitment. Please note that I do not attribute the authorship of the content to myself - I am only the person who provides further important information.

Counterfeit recordings

Watching a movie in which someone earns coconuts, few of us pay attention to exactly what the platform looks like. Rather few people notice it, and even if the comments under the videos are carefully filtered. Of course, filtering comments is not a bad thing in this case because I uploaded 2 recordings in English myself and I know perfectly well what spam appears in the comments section. In any case, check out the screenshots above - one is genuine and the other is fake by one of the "specialists". In the era of the technology that surrounds us, it is really not difficult to change the colors of numbers and remove unnecessary icons - this is what the specialists do. Remember that if you go to the video of one of the traders and there is no such error, it does not mean that the guy / woman is honest with you. They just cover their tracks better as time goes on, and in some cases it's very hard to tell what's real and what's not. So if you see that someone shows you a fabulously simple method of investing and swears that the strategy alone is enough to earn several thousand dollars a day, you can be sure that this someone has absolutely no idea about investing and the best you can do is avoid it. a person with a wide berth.

The person you can see in the above screenshot is a very popular "Investor" who in theory can earn a few hundred percent of your deposit in just a few minutes. If you want to follow in her footsteps and invest in a similar way, then you need to deposit a lot of money and invest a huge percentage of capital to earn fast enough. Of course, she doesn't invest in a real account - how can you tell? Look at "deposit" in the upper right corner of the screen. Our scam forgot to remove the renewal deposit icons, which only appear on the demo account. So this is an obvious scam and even if her new recordings are perfectly crafted, this screen casts a shadow over her YouTube activities.

Of course, there are more such people and most of the top scams have made smaller or larger mistakes that can be caught on their recordings. However, this entry is not intended to verify each individual investor and prove that he is a cheater. This post is to explain how these fraudsters act. If I were to define a potential fraudster in several points, it would look like this:

  • Catchy titles in the style of - 100% ITM, no losing etc.
  • Relying on indicators alone and not mentioning Price Action
  • Invested a huge deposit percentage

Simulating platforms

What better scammers can even simulate the appearance of platforms and invest for show. So they don't really invest any money, and only look at the simulations and show off their great acting. Admittedly, there is no evidence that this is actually happening because "specialists" are very effective in covering their tracks. However, it sounds very logical considering that they mostly invest in OTC markets, which cannot be checked in the past because they are only generated by brokers on weekends. So no matter what simulation they carry out - you will not check whether they actually invested or whether it's just a piece of stuff on the springs.

Rich life

Many scamers even boast about their earnings, show pictures of very expensive cars and generally inform the whole world about what life they lead thanks to investing in binary options. Of course, all of this is a fiction and the sole purpose is to make your actions in the market more credible and to make the naïve or desperate people believe what they are showing. I have always said that investing is not easy and limiting yourself to indicators alone will not give you any tangible results in the future. No normal adult man shows how much money he makes for one very simple reason - it's inconvenient and dangerous. There are many very rich people and very few of them say how much money they have - and they are certainly not very specific amounts. So where do the calculations come from, how much money has, for example, Bill Gates? Bill is not saying he has $ 89 billion in his account - it is Forbes and the others who calculate his fortune based on what he has. So if someone shows a rich life and you can clearly see that it is only for show, it is probably just plain fake.

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