Bitcoin ranks as the worst beginning of the year in history

The last six months have been a real roller coaster for Bitcoin. First, incredible peaks of $ 20 for a single Bitcoin, and then a free fall due to investors' fear of regulatory sanctions. I am convinced that many Bitoin owners wish they had resold the most popular cryptocurrency on its tops. Over the past 3 months, Bitcoin has dropped 50% against the US dollar. In practice, this means the worst beginning of the year and the second worst quarter in the history of this asset. The second situation of this type occurred in the third quarter of 2011, when Bitcoin fell by 68%. Also, it seems to me that you can start talking about a crisis only when the value comes close to this level.

The above chart perfectly illustrates a certain dependence on the market - a strong price movement in most cases heralds a correction or, as in this case, a trend reversal. Price doesn't like to push up too fast - the price hit too quickly to a level that just couldn't be sustained. The above entry is not intended to herald the end of Bitcoin - quite the contrary. I would like to emphasize that similar situations have occurred in the past and until the price has fallen by 68% there is not so much reason to panic. However, it is possible that we will have another many months of slow price movements in the same zone until kryptowaluty they will get green light for further development.

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