Invitation to joint trading - Breakout Strategy
It took a lot of time to construct a method that would be universal in every market and with every jack, but I think it finally succeeded. Including [...]
It took a lot of time to construct a method that would be universal in every market and with every jack, but I think it finally succeeded. Including [...]
In today's article I will present you a semi-automatic strategy for investing in forex. The strategy in application is very simple so I hope that understanding how it works will work around [...]
I admit that I have not published any strategies for a long time, so it's time for something simple, easy and pleasant. The strategy I will present to you today is as old as the world [...]
Every day at least a few people ask me what strategies are best for beginners. To tell the truth, I never knew what I could do with that [...]
The simplest effective strategy for binary options Today I will present you with one of the simplest possible strategies that you can implement in your chart. I will use very basic indicators so [...]
Script Implementation for Trading View In my latest recording I presented the Trading View platform to you. If you have not watched this movie you can click here and move [...]
Parabolic SAR & Stochastic Oscillator Strategy I haven't shown any strategy for quite a long time so it's time to present a strategy based on two indicators - Parabolic [...]
Stochastic Oscillator - strategy Everyone who follows my actions on YouTube knows perfectly well that I love simple and effective strategies. Who doesn't like it? Everyone would [...]
Strategy for macroeconomic events. I have a very simple and effective strategy for you today based on macroeconomic events. In short, you choose the event you marked [...]
Best Strategy For Beginners At least that's my opinion. If you are a beginner investor and are looking for an effective strategy for binary options, then you've come to the right place. Why [...]