What is FX Options? The new IQ Option instrument

Today I got confirmation from my sources inside IQ Optionthat their new instrument to replace binary options has been passed through the CySEC regulator and it will be available worldwide - including Europe. In this article, I will explain what the mentioned instrument is and whether it is worth playing with it. I would like to point out that I had the opportunity to invest using this instrument, so you get the information first-hand.


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How do FX Options work?

The creators' assumption was to create an instrument that can generate very fast profit and at the same time avoid falling under ESMA guidelines. It was done very well because the instrument itself looks like Forex with a very high jack. The most important information below:

  • Profit is calculated as per Forex with a very high jack
  • Profit is unlimited
  • The loss is a maximum of 100% of the amount wagered
  • We have a spread
  • The expiration time is 1 minute or 5 minutes

I assume it's hard to imagine how it all works, so I'm tossing the footage I captured while testing this feature. The positions were of course realized on the demo, but pay attention to how easy it is to earn a few hundred percent - this is important because the risk to profit level may be lower than on binary options, which gives us some statistical advantage.

When will the instrument be available?

Unfortunately, there is no official release date yet. From my sources I know that first the function will be available to unregulated countries such as Thailand, and only then the instrument will gradually begin to appear in Europe. Estimates may take two more weeks, so we can expect that by the end of July 2018 the function will be ready.



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10 thoughts on "What is FX Options? The new IQ Option instrument"

      1. Thanks, I just looked here today. I see that they are slowly expanding their forex with commodities and ETFs - is it a derivative of stock indices? Are there any differences between the investment strategies on individual "grades" according to you?

      2. Since I'm in the farming industry - and corn and wheat quotes have emerged - so let me share my knowledge on that. The wheat harvest in the northern hemisphere seems to be significantly lower than the average, especially in the EU / France, Germany, England and Scandinavia. It is also worse in Ukraine and Russia / which, however, paradoxically maintains a very high export of cereals - which is explained in various ways / From America / USA / there are contradictory signals, while the drought has certainly hit Canada. Corn crops are ravaged by the heat throughout the EU on these days. Also in the central US, it seems. In Canada, potentially lower canola harvests could impact the oilseed markets / rapeseed, soybean, sunflower /. The first rational forecasts for yields in the southern hemisphere - only in autumn. So it seems that cereal prices may rise until autumn. It is not clear whether in this situation, in order to save the economic situation, the EU and the US will not release grain stocks - then there will be a sharp drop.

  1. I see you've noticed mine, what you call it “tip” - I don't mode the minimum deposit and minimum investment amount in this easy trade - maybe that's how short you would put something in?

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